We are more than just great dancing.

More Than Just Great Dancing (MTJGD) is a licensed affiliation of dance studios that subscribe to a higher standard of sense instruction and management principles. As part of a dynamic network of nearly 300 dance studios, and 100,000 students worldwide, MTJGD transforms staff development and provides leadership training, quality programs and curricula to its affiliate studios. But, MTJGD is a commitment to providing MORE than excellent dance instruction. MTJGD dancers go beyond technique to develop important life skills, learning to be respectful, confident and conscientious young people who share their gifts and talents with the community. MTJGD studios are diverse in their specialties, but united in their belief in the power of dance to change lives!

Maranatha Dance follows the More Than Just Great Dancing!® Safer Studio™ Guidelines which prioritize a hierarchy of safety and wellness measures including: ​
• Frequent hand hygiene
• Enhanced cleaning procedures
• Lobby and classroom air purifiers
• Curricular and facility adjustments
• Continuous parent communications
As always we will continue to provide the highest standards in child safety through:​
• Age-appropriate choreography, music & costumes
• Background checks for all staff
• Secured facility
• Professional sprung floors
• Continual teacher training & proven curriculum
• Lobby video feeds of every classroom