Virtual classes begin March 30

What a whirlwind the last week has been for families, schools, community leaders and local businesses! We want to first thank everyone who has reached out to offer support. We are all in uncharted waters, which is requiring a new level of flexibility and adaptation like never before.
After time to process and pray, we are at peace (and even excited!) about the plan for our teachers and students to stay connected. Next week, we will be transferring all of our learning to a new virtual platform called MARANATHA CONNECTIONS...recorded and live-stream classes plus a whole ton of cool bonuses to keep kids happy, healthy, and safe while we wait for things to return to normal.
We are thankful that the opportunities available to us through technology will help us continue to foster the important connections between teachers, students, dance friends, and parents.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact us if your family has a need that our dance community can help meet. We are stronger together!
Joyful in hope, patience in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12