Maranatha helps provide well in NW Africa
Maranatha Dance is coming alongside a new church plant in Burkina Faso to help provide a well from their community. The church is located in a tiny village called Songdin (just east of the capital city of Ouagadougou). We are praying for Pastor Augustin Deme and his congregation as they share the gospel in NW Africa. We pray that the well can meet not only a physical need, but also be used as a tool to connect people to the Living Water, Jesus Christ.
Maranatha is raising funds for this cause through two methods. First, all proceeds from bottled water sales during November and December will go directly to the well project. Second, students donating any amount to the well project get a dress code pass to wear their favorite Christmas dancewear to class during December!
Maranatha is blessed to be a part of this global outreach to support the people of Burkina Faso.