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Compañía Momentum, MCREW & ¡¡¡MCREW JV!!!

​​What is Momentum Company?

Momentum is an auditioned group of Maranatha’s most committed dancers who are wanting to increase their training and have more performance opportunities while building lasting friendships, serving our community, and experiencing growth in their relationship with Christ. Company members work on choreography pieces throughout the year, and are expected to serve as leaders and set a positive example in the studio. Technique classes and company rehearsals emphasize the importance of excellence in dance training as well as in personal character. Any dancers in our leveled/teen programs are invited to audition!​


What is MCrew and MCrew JV?

MCrew is the Hip Hop extension of Momentum Company. MCrew auditions are open to 7th-12th grade dancers in our leveled hip hop program.

And heading into its second season… MCREW JV!!! Mcrew JV auditions are open to 3rd-7th grade dancers in our leveled hip-hop program.

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Nuestro objetivo

Community-Momentum y MCREW brindan oportunidades para que los bailarines interactúen con sus compañeros aquí en el estudio y desarrollen amistades significativas. Esto incluye nuestro programa muy especial Big/Little Sister (o hermano), donde los bailarines de la compañía se emparejan con un miembro mayor o más joven de la compañía para obtener modelos positivos y tutoría.


Ministerio-  Los bailarines de Momentum y MCREW tienen el privilegio de actuar en toda la comunidad varias veces durante el transcurso de la temporada, así como algunas oportunidades de servicio voluntario. También se divierten con un evento de filmación a mitad de año como otra forma de impactar a nuestra comunidad compartiendo nuestros bailes en las redes sociales.


Discipulado: el discipulado intencional es una parte importante de nuestra compañía y de los tiempos de ensayo de MCREW, ya que profundiza en la palabra de Dios y brinda a los bailarines espacio para compartir sus necesidades de oración, así como también orar con ingenio.h y el uno para el otro. Los bailarines también están invitados a unirse a nosotros en Orlando para la conferencia Dance Revolution, que es un fin de semana increíble para el alma, la mente y el cuerpo del bailarín (requerido para bailarines de compañía de nivel 3+).


2024-2025 Season Information 




Serve Day!

Saturday Morning, April 5th


Our groups have been invited back to serve at the Atrium (assisted living) and Barrett Park (public housing neighborhood). We are so excited to have these opportunities again this year! 


Although we will be sharing our dances, please treat this as a serving experience, not a performance. Due to limited space, only designated chaperones will be able to attend with dancers.

If you need to opt out of this event, please notify us by 3/14 through this Google form.


Barrett Park Community Center

9262 Westcreek Cir, North Fort Myers 33903​

Company 5/6, MCrew, Company 3/4/Teen

Drop off Time: 10:00am 

Pickup TIme: 12:00pm

What to Wear: Maranatha company shirts, black leotard, black leggings, ponytails, sneakers (level 3/4/T and 5/6 should bring jazz shoes in addition to sneakers)























The Atrium Assisted Living

1321 NE 24th Ave, Cape Coral, FL  33909

​Company 1/2, MCrew JV, Company 3/4

Drop off Time: 9:45am

Pickup Time: 10:45am

What to Wear: Maranatha company shirts, black leotard, black leggings (black joggers or sweats for boys), ponytails, jazz shoes (or sneakers for JV)






















Production Number Rehearsals 

All of our Company/MCrew/MCrew JV dancers will be performing a special production piece in our May Leveled Showcase. We are excited to announce that we will have special guest choreographer, Ms Jacquelyn Toleman, directing this year's piece! We will begin working on choreography in our company classes beginning in late February, in addition to several extra rehearsals to bring all the groups together. Costume pieces will be distributed in April. ​

Please make plans to attend the following mandatory rehearsals.


For in studio rehearsals, wear black leotard and tights or black leggings, sneakers, hair pulled back, bun not required.


Costume Notes: Dancers will receive a colorful shirt and hair accessory. Dancers should wear white company leotard (girls), any light/medium wash jeans, and white or light-colored sneakers (small accents of color, emblems, stripes, etc are fine).


Rehearsal 1: Friday, February 21st

 (Maranatha, Room 3)


Rehearsal 2: Friday, April 11th

(Maranatha, Room 3, times TBA)


Rehearsal 3: Friday, May 16th

(Maranatha, Room 3, times TBA)


​Rehearsal 4: Friday, May 23rd 

(Crosspoint, time TBA)

Dress Rehearsal, wear production costume. Leveled Showcase Rehearsal immediately afterward.


Group A-  Company 1/2 + JV only

Bailey Hawn, Ellie Gladfelter, Iona Madsen, Josie Duffy, Julianna Yoerger, Karis Beaver, Liana Burkel, McKenna Gardner, Olivia Escobar, Caleb Payne, Gio Ellis, Jake Kearney, Makayla Polinice, Tobias Bezerra


Group B- Company 3/4

Amber Souza, Amelia Duffy, Brielle Burkel, Brooklyn Bullard, Brooklyn Furlong, Brynn Barnstead

Chelsea Perkins, Emma Vazquez, Gabby Ellis, Gia Glaab, Kate Woolf, Kinsley Wallace, Serah Marquez, Sophia Damiron-Bera, Sofia Schattschneider, Tenley Howell


 Group C- Company 3/4/T + MCrew only

Allison Kearney, Eva Sieg, Fernanda Gonzalez, Hannah Davis, Julia Della Porta, Kaylee Faasse, Nora Sieg, Angie Rodriguez, Brecken Furlong, Gabby Mattheis, Gideon Cornelison, Jalyssa Suarez, Natalie Ball


Group D- Company 5/6

Aaliyah Dodson, Alivia Payne, Alyssa Glaab, Amira Compton, Brighton Furlong, Esme Bezerra, Grace Jacobs, Kendal Hawn, Lily Perkins, Madison Demmel, Mirella Laada, Tahlia Lawrence




Sunsplash Performance & End of Year Party!

Saturday, April 26th

500 W Lake Kennedy Dr, Cape Coral, FL 33991

11:45am arrival, 12:30pm performance.  


All company dancers and parents will be given complimentary tickets to stay and play at the waterpark afterwards! Tickets are available for siblings at a reduced rate of $10.  Please RSVP by 4/1 with how many immediate family members (parents and siblings) will be coming.

Sunsplash RSVP Form


 Important Notes: 

-Please arrive promptly. We will meet in the parking lot and will need a complete headcount before entering as a group. 


-Dancers should wear Maranatha company shirts, black leotard, black leggings (black joggers or sweats for boys), jazz shoes (or sneakers for hip hop). We will NOT be wearing stage makeup or jewelry and hair should be in a low ponytail for all dances (no buns!).  


-We are only performing the show one time (about 20 minutes in length). The performance will be on the "island" in the center of the park, and parents are free to watch from any adjacent area or even in the lazy river! : ) 


-Water and gatorade will be available for the dancers on the sides of the performance area. 


- If you choose, you may pack a lunch for a family picnic at the tables outside the gates. No outside food or drinks are permitted inside the park. Wristbands will be given to those who need re-entry. There is also food available for purchase inside the park.


-Don't forget a water bottle (must be factory sealed or EMPTY reusable which can be filled at the cafe), swimsuit, flip flops, towel, and sunscreen. Cooling towels and neck fans aren't a bad idea! : ) After the performance, dancers may change in the bathrooms and enjoy the park! 


This performance is meant to be a fun celebration of a great year!! No stress, just enjoy dancing and then the "splashing" party after!


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Compromiso financiero de la empresa:



Tarifa de vestuario de Momentum/MCREW: $129 + impuestos, por grupo; carga automática el 10 de octubre


Bisutería Momentum (Gargantilla y Aretes): $20 + impuestos

igual que en años anteriores, no es necesario recomprar; no necesario para el nivel 1/2, MCREW, o empresa conjunta


Camiseta de la empresa: $20 + impuestos

Necesario para todos los grupos. Igual que años anteriores, NonorteNecesita recomprar.


Chaqueta de empresa opcional: $99 + impuestos


Otros costos

Tarifa de audición - Gratis


Taller de Coreografía - $29

por grupo; carga automática el 10 de octubre


Taller de filmación - $29por grupo; Febrero


Tarifa mensual por clase: $ 49 por grupo


Revolución de la danza

(Requerido para los niveles 3 - 6; ¡todos están invitados!)

$260 inscripción anticipada/$250 para aprendiz;

vence el 12 de octubre


No incluye hotel.


$45 para observadores de RD


Ensayo y presentación de DR Showcase Tarifa de presentación: $25 (para grupos seleccionados); vence el 10 de noviembre

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